Ecology is the branch of biology that studies the relationship of living beings with the environment they inhabit and how it influences their distribution, abundance, biodiversity, behavior, the interactions between different species and the changes they can cause in the environment. Its level of study is at the level of populations, communities, ecosystems and the biosphere in general.

Resultado de imagen para que es la ecologia

The relation of the environment and its inhabitants: the reason for the connection of both for Ecology

We must not forget that Ecology studies all living beings, as well as inert beings and their relationships in the global environment of the planet, calling this whole area of ​​interaction of life, Biosphere. What is the Biosphere? This is a word that we hear a lot to mention but that we rarely stop to reflect on it.
Although the term is relatively modern, since it was in 1869 when the biologist Ernst Haenkel used it for the first time conjugating in Greek the words Oikos and Logos, which make up the message of "home study", there are very ancient references to the study and observation of living beings in their habitat or environment. But we can thank the physiologists of the eighteenth century, the deepest studies in the relationship of animal and plant life (biotic factors) with water, light, temperature, oxygen, etc. ... (abiotic factors).

The last push for this modern science in history was given by evolutionists, trying to demonstrate the adaptation of species to the adversities of the environment to survive. Among them is the contribution of the Darwin family (grandfather and grandson), with their studies and research that established the evolution and the fact that the species adapt to the conditions of the environment but that only those specimens prepared to transform are those that they survive.

The difficult relationship of the human being with the environment: love or hate?
ecologia We have to take into account that just as animals transform or are transformed by the environment and in this connection the science of Ecology is born, it is also clear that human beings, like animals, suffer from the consequences of such a symbiotic relationship . But unlike what happens with other animals, man is the only one who can alter the environment in which he lives in search of a better quality of subsistence.

Of course, it will not be the same when the transformation is generated by 100 people than by millions of people constantly everywhere. In this way, the action of the human being generates not only changes but damages in the Biosphere that in many cases already acquire the value of irremediable and therefore the Ecology stands as the only possibility of improvement or at least of awareness to prevent the deepen problem.

Difference between ecology and care of the environment

Ecología y cuidado del medio ambienteWhen we talk about ecology we talk about the study that relates living beings to their environment, to the environment, analyzing what is the influence of one over another, the interaction of living beings with their environment. That is, it is the biology of ecosystems.
However, when we talk about caring for the environment, we are talking about protecting the planet by acquiring simple habits or customs that reduce pollution, save energy and conserve different natural resources.

As is logical, taking care of the environment does not imply that, at present, human beings must abandon their daily activities or renounce their lives. You just have to take care of little habits that can make a big difference.

Ecological purposes that help take care of the environment

The care of the environment should not only be a concern of companies, it is also homes that have to put their grain of sand and get to work as soon as possible to help care for our environment.
With a few small changes, much can be achieved. Some ecological purposes that help take care of the environment that can make a difference are:

Use the least possible air conditioning time
It is obvious that during the hot months you want to enjoy the air conditioning, but it is advisable to turn it on only when it is completely necessary, otherwise it will be an important energy expenditure

Avoid plastic products

Plastic is one of the waste that takes longer to decompose, as well as one of the most polluting products that exist. Start replacing the use of plastic bags with cloth bags. Avoid buying fruit and vegetables packaged in plastic trays and buy fruit in bulk. Bet on glass bottles instead of plastic ones, as there are more possibilities to reuse them.
Create a green space in your home
The creation of green spaces inside the house helps to improve both the humidity and the temperature, so you bet to install a small garden in your home, however small it may be.


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